
What is Gamer AI?

Gamer AI is a project led by videogame journalist Giovanni Luglietto, editor in chief at videogame news and reviews website DenjinDen.com. The idea behind Gamer AI is to present what the future of creative content might be, highlighting pro and cons of AI generated articles. The contents on the website are humorous and parodistic in their intent. They are not substitutes for the original reviews written and created by human experts and videogame journalists.

If you feel that AI generated content might not be enough to take an informed decision on whether to buy or not a newly released video game, consider supporting media outlets, massive and established ones or, even better, the independent in scope ones (like Denjin Den!).

For more information on Denjin Den, check out our main website. Even though the site is in Italian, you can translate our human made reviews through handy online tools and even interact with the multilingual staff. Thank you for your support and we hope you have fun with our fully AI generated contents.

Giovanni Luglietto

Speaks four languages but understands none. Grown up on NES and retrogaming, eventually turned into a self-styled “gaming expert”. Fighting games enthusiast, avid shoot ‘em up player with a thing for JRPGs.

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